
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

La vacanza invernale

Ciao a tutti! Ora sono a Boston. E' la mia destinazione seconda e la prossima destinazione è New Haven. A Boston ho visitato Università di Boston, la bibliotecca pubblica, il Chinatown, la strada Newbury, eccetera. Mi piace molto il Chinatown! Ci sono tanti ristoranti buoni ed ho mangiato il riso con il pollo e l'anatra ad un ristorante hongkongese. Non ho mangiato mai questa cucina dopo ho venuto qui negli Stati Uniti e questa è stata la mia prima volta!

Domani visito Università di Harvard ed il MIT. Queste università sono le università più importanti, più migliori e più famose del mondo. Ognuno sogna di studiare a queste università, anche io.... ma non posso :( A New Haven, anche visito un'università famosa, è Università di Yale! LOL Visitare le università è una cosa che mi piace fare tanto. Penso che visiti circa 9 università durante questa vacanza.

OK è il tempo per dormire! Buona notte xoxo

Thursday, December 8, 2011

l'8 dicembre 2011

Ho finito i miei esami finali ieri ed oggi inizia la mia pausa invernale! Faccio backpacking ad alcune città: New York City, Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, Washington DC e Pittsburgh. E' la prima volta che faccio backpacking.... e sono molto nervosa! A New York sono da sola ma ho sentito che New York è una città molto pericolosa :o Spero che non succeda niente. Dio mi benedica.

A proposito, feteggio il mio 21 compleanno a New York. Non vedo l'ora!! Penso che sia un compleanno più speciale e memorabile! Ciao!

xoxo Buon compleanno xoxo

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You might not know this, but your call just made my day :)


Thursday, March 31, 2011


gotta wake up early tomorrow so here are some brief updates: 
  • it's the first week of my third quarter in the states!
  • the courses that i'm taking this quarter after a few times of add/drop:
italian 101 (introduction to italian)
english 110.01 (first year english composition)
fdscte 201 (the science of food)
dance 201.02 (introduction to ballet)
  • just added the ballet course an hour ago -- got the last seat in the class. how lucky i am. 
  • job application still in progress. going for a background check at the osu police department tomorrow morning and i'll be done with the application process. hopefully the child care center will hire me. i have confidence that i'll be a good teaching aide :)
  • i'm sooooo lovin the italian class! finally there's a class that i love and wish to go to everyday. my italian instructor wants us to pick an italian name and mine is beatrice (be-tree-che) which means blesses!
  • iphone apps are powerful. i learned some vocabs and basic phrases through some iphone's learning italian apps and now i do not have any  prob in class! what instructor taught so far was easy to me =D
  • spent lotsa $$ on textbooks again.... when's godfather going to give us book allowance?
  • oh yea.... i forgot to talk about my last quarter. result was horrible because of the freaking biology. cgpa was also pulled down like hell... damn. i hate biology. i will never marry a biologist/ doctor/ pharmacist/ biology teacher/ dentist/ someone that sells biology books etc. and i will never let my children study the freaking subject @#$%^%$*!
okay time to sleep. ciao! buona notte :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011





Thursday, February 17, 2011



Sunday, January 30, 2011

1st post in US

This is my first post since I came to the states. Sorry for abandoning you, blog :(

So it's my second quarter here. I just had my midterms last week.... Well, I think I screwed them. I really regretted for not paying much attention in my Busmgt330 and Biology class. *sigh* I would definitely pay 100% attention in class and study hard if I were given a second chance. BUT there's no such thing as a second chance. I should have known this long time ago. All I can do now is to prepare myself for the bad results I will get on Monday. And START studying. 

Have been facing lots of things lately. And I've learned not to care what others think about me. I know I'm being misunderstood, but I'm not gonna fight back. I believe that I will get everything back someday, including my reputation. So, do whatever you want, someone with two faces!