
Thursday, March 31, 2011


gotta wake up early tomorrow so here are some brief updates: 
  • it's the first week of my third quarter in the states!
  • the courses that i'm taking this quarter after a few times of add/drop:
italian 101 (introduction to italian)
english 110.01 (first year english composition)
fdscte 201 (the science of food)
dance 201.02 (introduction to ballet)
  • just added the ballet course an hour ago -- got the last seat in the class. how lucky i am. 
  • job application still in progress. going for a background check at the osu police department tomorrow morning and i'll be done with the application process. hopefully the child care center will hire me. i have confidence that i'll be a good teaching aide :)
  • i'm sooooo lovin the italian class! finally there's a class that i love and wish to go to everyday. my italian instructor wants us to pick an italian name and mine is beatrice (be-tree-che) which means blesses!
  • iphone apps are powerful. i learned some vocabs and basic phrases through some iphone's learning italian apps and now i do not have any  prob in class! what instructor taught so far was easy to me =D
  • spent lotsa $$ on textbooks again.... when's godfather going to give us book allowance?
  • oh yea.... i forgot to talk about my last quarter. result was horrible because of the freaking biology. cgpa was also pulled down like hell... damn. i hate biology. i will never marry a biologist/ doctor/ pharmacist/ biology teacher/ dentist/ someone that sells biology books etc. and i will never let my children study the freaking subject @#$%^%$*!
okay time to sleep. ciao! buona notte :)

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