
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Updates 11/22

- remember I said I turned in my resignation letter in my previous post? so I didn't leave my current company and have been in new role/ team since March (9 months!) my new role is rather challenging and I've learned so much stuff.

- hmmmm met another guy in May and I confessed for the first time in my life. We tried but it still didn't work out and has officially ended 4 months later. I guess he's just not into me haha. 

- so I started going back to gym and have lost 5 kgs in 6 weeks. I go to the gym for like at least 5 days a week (about 10 hours/ week), do both cardio and weight training, and also control my diet. So now I'm halfway to my weight goal..... Doctor is gonna be so shocked when I go back to him next month. Now I get to wear old tops that I couldn't fit in last month hohohohoho

- I started to love running. I used to hate it because I thought it was boring. Now i don't only run on the threadmill i also run outdoors at the esplanade, stadium, along gurney drive etc. I'm gonna try queesbay next month, found a running track there yesterday when I drove by. Wanted to participate in the Penang bridge run last night but I couldn't find anyone to go with me TT

- our teams have birthday celebrations for team members and mine will be next month yay. We have retro theme and I'm gonna wear my favorite tutu skirt lol. Oh yeah we are going to exchange Christmas gifts that day but I haven't bought any gifts yet. I dunno what to buy TT
Ending this blog post with my recent picture #nofilter I dyed my hair brown and started keeping my hair long. No more shaved head XD

Sunday, October 4, 2015




Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jan 10th

It's been almost a year since I last updated my blog. 

-  grandma passed away in April. She used to be my favorite person in the world. I remember I loved following her everywhere when I was little. I loved going to grandma's house, and she would buy me candies, roti canai, and ice cream. Her memory started to get worse before I left for the states. And she already couldn't recognize me / anyone else except her sons the months before she passed away. She couldn't take care of herself and was sent to old folks home by her sons. That was cruel. I couldn't imagine how sad she was when she was left there. She didn't stay long at the old folks home, she passed away at the hospital a few weeks after she moved there. Poor lady. I hope she met my grandpa up there in the heaven and they both live happily without worries.

- I went on a trip to taiwan and met some Taiwanese friends I knew back in the states. Not sure why but I didn't really enjoy the trip. 

- went to singapore in July and I think I loved it. 

- met a guy and broke up within 2 weeks. That was fast haha. 

- turned in my resignation letter end of December. I'm gonna explore something new somewhere else.

- chopped off my hair all my myself. And got 2 more piercing on my right ear.

- face got back to normal size but I didn't lose any weight. I think I gained some fml

Recent pic - not the most recent though. I had a haircut again at the salon 2 days ago and my hair is freaking short now. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just bored

Typing on my cellphone while my legs are actually moving on a workout machine at the gym lol. I think this is the best time to blog as exercising really frees up our minds.

CNY is just around the corner! And I'm so excited about it coz it's goin to be my first CNY in 4 years! Yes I dream about food and CNY cookies every night. Not forget the angpows too $$$$ extra money for my TW trip :) well things still change sometimes. I used to ask mom to buy me lotsa new clothes for CNY. But as I grew up, I don't fancy about new year clothes anymore. Now I shop and buy new outfits whenever I want to, there aren't certain "favorite outfits" that I insist on keeping till CNY. Sigh this is kinda sad. I'm getting old.

My social bubble is getting smaller sigh. Was having dinner with friend and some newly met friends, and I did not talk much. I did try but it just didn't work. That was super awkward and I just pretended to look at my cellphone. (Cellphones definitely the greatest invention on earth) they also didn't say goodbye to me (while they did to my friend). I'm not sure if this is supposed to be sad.... But it kinda hurt my feeling. Okay never mind it's good enough to think this way. I'll learn to be a more welcomed person ;)

Okay almost done working out. Ciao ciao  xoxo

Monday, December 30, 2013


It's the second last day of the year. Sitting at Starbucks for hours, doing nothing except playing game on iPad. So I decided to write a blog post before I leave for some workout at the gym.

I haven't been camping out at Starbucks like this since I graduated from college. I used to spend the whole Sundays sitting at the Starbucks on high & 13th, drinking a cup of frappucino, and doing assignments. I miss the good old college days.

I sort of love being alone, but sometimes it feels a little sad I don't know why. Friends told me that I need to stop going out alone so that I'll have chance to meet that someone that I've always been waiting for. But I just do not want to leave this little bubble that I created for myself. If he really is my fated one, he'll understand me ;) I'm actually kind of excited about how my prince will look like lol.

By the way, I decided to keep my bangs long! So that I'll have this kind of sexy messy side swept hairstyle:

(Picture from google)

But I guess it'll take months for my bangs to get this long :(

Okay time to leave. Ciao a tutti!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Friday, August 2, 2013


唔好意思上一篇話過呢篇要用意大利文打,但係我都係用廣東話。五月畢業,月尾返到嚟馬來西亞,之後就日日坐係屋企除咗搵工之外就無野做,所以我就開始唸人生同命運。我地o既一生其實係一早就安排好o架,所有野都係冥冥中自有主宰。我地只有跟住上天安排o既路行。其實唔好一直唸點解你無得撿,上天安排卑你o既野都係佢認爲係對你最好o架。就好似,如果你係搵緊工,去咗A面試無通過,其實你唔需要覺得好灰心、傷心,因爲上天覺得果間公司唔o岩你。之後你去第二間公司面試通過,係度做野,覺得係呢間公司做野好開心,份工好o岩你。如果當初你係公司Ao既面試通過,係度做,你就無可能係依家呢間公司做了。命運其實就係o甘簡單,一點都唔複雜。所以話,我地做人得失心唔可以太重,係你o既就是你o既,唔是你的得到都無好結果。我一直以來都好感謝上天對我o既安排,包括出生o既家庭、去美國讀書、病、話者係工作。因爲我排第二,所以一出世我就比人地獨立,唔中意靠人同求人。之後上天卑我出國讀書,卑我見識世上其他地方,所以我要去流浪o既思想就更加堅定。因爲病咗,我領悟到好多道理,包括人生無常,所以我就寧願放棄比較賺錢o既但係自己唔中意o既major, 去做返一點自己中意做o既野。

