
Monday, December 30, 2013


It's the second last day of the year. Sitting at Starbucks for hours, doing nothing except playing game on iPad. So I decided to write a blog post before I leave for some workout at the gym.

I haven't been camping out at Starbucks like this since I graduated from college. I used to spend the whole Sundays sitting at the Starbucks on high & 13th, drinking a cup of frappucino, and doing assignments. I miss the good old college days.

I sort of love being alone, but sometimes it feels a little sad I don't know why. Friends told me that I need to stop going out alone so that I'll have chance to meet that someone that I've always been waiting for. But I just do not want to leave this little bubble that I created for myself. If he really is my fated one, he'll understand me ;) I'm actually kind of excited about how my prince will look like lol.

By the way, I decided to keep my bangs long! So that I'll have this kind of sexy messy side swept hairstyle:

(Picture from google)

But I guess it'll take months for my bangs to get this long :(

Okay time to leave. Ciao a tutti!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Friday, August 2, 2013


唔好意思上一篇話過呢篇要用意大利文打,但係我都係用廣東話。五月畢業,月尾返到嚟馬來西亞,之後就日日坐係屋企除咗搵工之外就無野做,所以我就開始唸人生同命運。我地o既一生其實係一早就安排好o架,所有野都係冥冥中自有主宰。我地只有跟住上天安排o既路行。其實唔好一直唸點解你無得撿,上天安排卑你o既野都係佢認爲係對你最好o架。就好似,如果你係搵緊工,去咗A面試無通過,其實你唔需要覺得好灰心、傷心,因爲上天覺得果間公司唔o岩你。之後你去第二間公司面試通過,係度做野,覺得係呢間公司做野好開心,份工好o岩你。如果當初你係公司Ao既面試通過,係度做,你就無可能係依家呢間公司做了。命運其實就係o甘簡單,一點都唔複雜。所以話,我地做人得失心唔可以太重,係你o既就是你o既,唔是你的得到都無好結果。我一直以來都好感謝上天對我o既安排,包括出生o既家庭、去美國讀書、病、話者係工作。因爲我排第二,所以一出世我就比人地獨立,唔中意靠人同求人。之後上天卑我出國讀書,卑我見識世上其他地方,所以我要去流浪o既思想就更加堅定。因爲病咗,我領悟到好多道理,包括人生無常,所以我就寧願放棄比較賺錢o既但係自己唔中意o既major, 去做返一點自己中意做o既野。



Saturday, July 27, 2013

some updates

Sorry for the saddening blog posts recently. Wasn't feeling so well. Sometimes I just couldn't find someone to listen to me.

2++ months from graduation, started to look for job in the beginning of  June, attended 3 interviews, and now I finally got a job - supply chain analyst at a MNC in Penang. I initially planned to work in KL, but logistics and supply chain jobs aren't offered in the center of KL which can be reached by LRT or other public transports. Companies that offered me interview opportunities are located in areas like Subang Jaya, Damansara, Bukit Jalil etc. Some can be reached by buses (with a few transfers) while some cannot be reached by any kind of transportation at all. I'll have to get a car loan and buy a car if I want to work there. Plus the rent and high living cost, I don't think I can afford all these, since the basic salary for fresh graduates majoring in business is so damn low (probably higher in KL, but that won't make much difference after minusing the loan and rent). My econ major friends got high-paid consulting jobs in areas like Bukit Bintang. I'm jelly, but I don't think I would get a consulting job too, because I want to make use of what I've learned.
Job starts in 1 week time. No more rotting, eating and sleeping at home everyday. I need to start adjusting my lifestyle from now on. Oh ya, and improving my driving skill too. My driving skill is still bad, and I still always got honked -.- I know I don't have talent in driving.

Going to Taiwan next year! Kinda excited about this trip. Many of my friends have already been there and I heard it was nice. They shopped a lot over there too. I will only bring a carry-on baggage, so I have to make sure myself not shop too much. Nevermind I will survive 11 days in Taiwan with just a carry-on baggage.

Ok time to rot :p Ciao. Scrivo il prossimo post in italiano.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

il cielo e' casa mia

non so a chi posso esprimere i miei sentimenti
era tanto rovesciata oggi
ho litigato con i miei genitori
loro non mi mai capiscono
pensano sempre che io sia ribelle e cattiva
come io sia la persona piu' sbagliata al mondo
e' basta
ho gia' vissuto la vita come questa per quasi 23 anni
un giorno
io lascero' questa casa, questa familia
so che questa e' un'azione disobbediente
ma mi dispiace
devo fare cosi'
io sono nata per essere un'anima libera
non so dove andro'
non ho una destinazione
io appartengo al cielo
il cielo e' casa mia




你對我狠 我只有對你更狠
欺侮我的人 總有一天我會讓你跪著向我求饒

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

McD Malaysia delivery sucks

So it was my first time ordering McD through the Internet since I came back to Malaysia. McD delivery service still sucks. 

I ordered a fillet-o-fish combo and a mcflurry at around 1:15pm today, and received my confirmation email (as shown in the picture above). I waited for an hour but the delivery man didn't come. So I called their hotline and told the operator my concern. The operator said he will check with his team members . He also asked for my phone number so that he could call me back later, but till now I haven't received his call. It's almost 12am by the way. And of course I didn't get my meal too. I actually did track the status on McD website, but it says my order wasn't received. Ok I don't know if it's the system problem, people problem or corporation problem. McDonalds seriously needs to improve their service, or I will turn to Pizza Hut and KFC.


I would rank NYC as the second best place to shop in the United States (the first one would definitely be Las Vegas!). You can find all you want here, no kidding. Oh ya NYC also has the best and largest Disney store in the states IMO. It was also the first Disney store I went (on my birthday!). I felt like "my dream came true" the moment I stepped into the store, and I spent like a few hours just in that store lol! There are also lots of souvenir shops in NYC (basically every shop sells the same stuffs). I used to buy souvenirs for friends, family and myself when I went traveling. In seattle, I bought some decor made by Mt. Helen ashes. When I went to Europe, I got myself a Venice handmade masque, Burano lace, a hoodie etc, and got some Slovakian handmade stuffs, shot glasses, magnets for friends and family, but I never buy souvenirs anymore after that trip. Now I'm totally immune to souvenirs. I'm even sick of seeing souvenirs sometimes, after realizing every place sells the same things. T-shirts, hoodies, cups, magnets, keychains, caps etc. Can't you guys just come up with new things to sell?!

Other than universities, another place that I will visit wherever I go is Chinatown. I'm just too obsessed with the history of Chinese immigrants and how they settle up their homes in foreign land. Maybe it's because I'm a Taishanese. Most of the earliest Chinese immigrants came from Taishan. They settled at chinatowns, and since then Taishanese became a dominant Chinese language in North America chinatowns (it was kind of like lingua franca). Nowadays you can still hear people speaking Taishanese when you walk around chinatowns, especially the older generations. During my 2++ years in the US, I had been to the chinatowns in Seattle, New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Chicago, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland. My favorite one would be San Francisco, for sure. It's the oldest and one of the largest chinatowns in North America, and I could feel the history walking in the chinatown. My second favorite is the one in NYC. It's large too, and has the most yummy dimsum IMO. Dimsum's my must-eat in every chinatown, and it's like a measurement for me to rate how good a Chinatown is lol. And I will sure have a cup of bubble tea after lunch in chinatown. One interesting thing you can see in the chinatowns is that they have all the shop names in chinese, even american banks. Chase bank becomes 大通銀行 cool right. NYC also has the best little italy IMO. It's just more happening than other little italy's that I've been to.

If you're a finance/ economy major, you might want to make a visit to the world's famous Wall Street. It has all the headquarters of financial institutions, New York Stock Exchange and other nerdy buildings. I didn't spend much time there, although I was a finance major (Wall Street has become not-so-attractive to me after I decided to change my major lol). The 911 memorial is just one stop away if you want to pay a visit. It requires ticket which you can get online ( for free. I didn't get in successfully 'cause I didn't do enough research beforehand and didn't know that I need a ticket  to get in. But someone who was queueing up told me that I can actually get a ticket somewhere nearby, he showed me the direction but I couldn't find it and in the end I just gave up.

The next morning I took a 60-minute Downtown Cruise by New York City Sightseeing. You'll see the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Governors Island etc along the route. Note: You can't get off the cruise until it goes back to the pier, and you will see the attractions from a distance. The package was the cheapest among 3 packages they have. The other two are both 90-minutes cruise: Midtown Cruise (including what Downtown Cruise has, plus Empire State Building, United Nations, Museum of Jewish Heritage and Chrysler Building) and Twilight Cruise (same as Midtown Cruise, but it operates at 6pm daily while Midtown Cruise operates in daytime). The original price for Downtown Cruise is $19, but I got $10 off with a coupon I got at my hostel. You can buy the ticket online, or at the company's office. Keep in mind that different cruises depart from different piers. The one I took departs from Pier 5 near South Street. There will be a guide on the cruise explaining the history of NYC and attractions, the it does stop for a while for the tourists to take pictures of the attractions. It was winter when I visited NYC so I almost froze to death on the cruise, although I had 2 layers of hoods on. I didn't really like the cruise (not because of the weather), but it's not a bad thing to do if you want to kill some time or if you're lazy to walk and just wanna sit down and chill. By the way, I didn't go to the island where Statue of Liberty is located and climb inside the statue up to the crown, as the statue was under renovation. There are ferries for tourists to get to the island, and tourists have to go through security check before boarding.

After getting off the cruise I went to a Shake Shack near the pier for lunch. Friends recommended me to try it and they said it was soooooooo good. It's actually a fast food restaurant that sells burgers, fries (in 2 words: fast food lol). The restaurant was crowded and I ordered a beef burger thingy. I'm not a beef lover, so it was so-so to me.

Empire State Building is another landmark and popular tourist spot in the New York City, but I didn't get up to the 86th floor observatory/ 102nd floor top deck. I know the scene could be breathtakingly beautiful, but I'm traveling on a budget and the ticket could be expensive to me. The cheapest ticket for adult costs $25 (=2 meals) lol. That's why I don't usually pay to get up a tower to watch city scene, I only paid once for getting up the Willis Tower.

Did I mention my window-shopping experience along the fifth avenue yet? Fifth Avenue is actually a super damn long street with thousands of shops. It was December and almost Christmas when I was there, so the shops all have super nice decors, especially at night. Some have a giant L.E.D. bow hanging in front of the shop, some have giant stars on the windows... and the Swarovski store has a large star made by crystals. It was fun to just walk around and see the shop decors. I also walked to the Rockefeller Center at W. 49th St. and 5th Ave. There's a big ice rink which holds events sometimes (I'm not sure if it's open all year though).

............................................................................................................ To be continued

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


你們什麽都不知道 你們沒有資格對我怒吼
那種每15分鐘滴一次眼藥水 做什麽都沒辦法專心
隔天考試今晚想學習 很用力的看書卻什麽都看不清楚
停用眼藥水后眼疾復發 又要繼續使用眼藥水的心情

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


My hostel was located on Amsterdam Avenue, which is about 2 minute walk from subway station and 5 minutes from Central Park. There are some markets nearby if you wanna buy some food and cook at the hostel (the hostel has a pretty good kitchen). So the first place I went after I checked in was Central Park. It's a good place for picnic/ a little small escape from the skyscrapers.  There are also some museums in the park if you love museums: American Museum of History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Belvedere Castle. I haven't been to all three museums (museum is definitely a no-no for me, unless it's supeeeeeeer famous like Musée du Lovre/ shows things that I'm interested in, for example, spy museum, native american museum etc/ I've nothing else to do) so I couldn't make any comment about them. But I heard from a friend who doesn't like museum too, that the Metropolitan Museum of Art's good.

I decided to walk from Central Park to Columbia University after that. Trust me, do not do that! 'Cause it's so damnnn far. Columbia University was the first Ivy League that I visited, and I was like "wow" when I stepped into the campus. The first building that captured my attention was the Low Memorial Library. It was soooooooooo pretty, I just couldn't resist walking in that building (and accidentally signed up for a campus tour too). If you're interested in joining a group tour and having a guide leading you, go into the room on the left of the entrance. The guide won't show you every part of the campus, of course, but the tour includes all major buildings, and you'll get to know some interesting stories about the university. In front of Low Memorial Library, there's also a bronze statue of Alma Mater, and you can see lots of students having their lunch/ snack, reading, or simply just hanging out on the staircases in front of that building. The university also has a chapel called St. Paul's Chapel (which is also one of the landmarks of NYC). The guide told us that the chapel is very popular for weddings and many alumni like to have their weddings at that chapel. People usually have to wait in line for 3 years in order to get married in the chapel lol. 

If you ask me what is my most favorite place in NYC, I would say Times Square. I just love the crowds, lights and big screens. At Times Square you can always see people dressing as cartoon characters like Elmo or Mickey Mouse, and taking pictures with tourists. Do not think it's free.... They are not volunteers. I was so excited when I saw the characters. I asked for taking a picture with them, they asked for some $ after pictures were taken lol. 

I love visiting universities, and universities are definitely my must-do's in every city I go. I've visited like 18 universities during my 2++ years in the states. Universities are beautiful, and you'll always get to see things that you never expect to see. The most important thing is, campus visiting's free woohoo :) The second university I visited in NYC was New York University. NYU isn't like Columbia University, it doesn't really have a campus area, all it has are some blocks of buildings. Not my ideal campus although it's a pretty good school. I don't like traveling according to plans (although I usually draft an itinerary for each trip), and this was the place I accidentally found when I was wandering near NYU: Washington Park. I did not see beautiful flowers or statues, all I saw were kids chasing each other, seniors sitting on the bench, someone playing piano (yes it's piano! there's a freaking piano at the center of the park. wtf?! lol), couples holding hands, parents watching their children, some food stalls and beautiful sunshine. I sat there for a while, enjoyed the sunshine, and used my camera to capture happy moments of the kids. This is so much meaningful than visiting a freaking museum/ art gallery, with only a few people in a room and some freaking paintings that I would never understand. 

.................................................................................................................. To be continued


But you need to be very careful with your belongings since you are staying with strangers (it's okay to open yourself up and make new friends but do not trust people so easily). Always remember to bring a lock for the locker in your hostel room. Some hostels do sell locks, more expensive than they are supposed to be, of course. There are also hostel lockers that use quarters, like Hollywood Youth Hostel in Hollywood, LA. If there's no locker in your room, lock your valuables in your big baggage, or bring them with you when you leave the room. Keep them by your side when you're sleeping. I'm kind of a paranoid person, know what I did when there was no locker in the room? I hugged my bag to sleep! I haven't lost anything in hostel yet, so far lol.

Watching broadway is a must-do in NYC for many people, but not for me. I didn't watch a single show in NYC. Before I went to NYC, friends told me that I should at least watch a broadway show there. I actually wanted to follow friends' advice, but when I got there I realized that I shouldn't spend time doing something that I'm not really interested in or something that couldn't bring me satisfaction. Travellers don't just follow  travel guides and visit all the must-go's or do all the must-do's on the lists (must-eat's an exception lol), only tourists do that. So I ended up spending the three days doing things that made me happyyy. HOWEVER.... if you are interested in broadway shows and really want to watch them, you can get the tickets online (usually fking expensive), or get discounted tickets (for same-day shows) at the ticket booths.They sell full-fare tickets as well (for shows in the future). There's one at the center of Times Square: TKTS. The logo is TKTS in white color with a red background. At the booths there are boards showing ticket selling time for each broadway show. So what you need to do if you want to buy tickets is: Decide what show you want to watch, arrive 1 hour (or at least 30 minutes, because the line will be super long) before they start selling tickets for the show, line up, and buy tickets. 

The next thing is, taking subway at NYC. It's actually pretty easy, as long as you have the map. You can get one for free at visitor center. Ask the staff at the center if you don't know which subway line to take. Do not afraid to ask for help. The locals would be more than happy to help you. I've been doing "asking" most of the time and I really love doing this. Sometimes I'm just too lazy to look at the map :p This is also a good way to start a conversation with the locals. To take the buses/ subway, you need to have a metrocard. You can get this from the vending machines (at the stations), station booths, merchants or on the bus. Get a 3-day pass or something (I'm not sure) if you plan to stay for more than 3 days. I didn't know they had these day/ week passes when I was there, so I got myself a reloadable metrocard, and I walked a lot just to save money TT Good lesson though. Now I usually look for day passes first once I arrive at a new city. 

............................................................................................................. To be continued 

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Alright, since backpacking/ traveling alone has been so popular in recent years, I would like to share my solo backpacking/ traveling experience here.

I first started to travel alone when I was 21, to be exactly, on my 21st birthday. I've always wanted to travel alone since I was a kid. I used to collect information about the holiday working visa offered in some countries like Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. And I told myself that one day, I would go travel alone, with a big backpack. However, this dream was so unachievable to me that time, because I come from a strict (/very strict) family, my mom and dad both are teachers (/typical asian parents). Like children of tiger mom Amy Chua, I was never allowed to stay overnight at friend's house. I wasn't allowed to hang out with friends at shopping mall until I was 16. I still remember I cried when memorizing multiplication tables, drawing, doing homework etc, and mom was beside me, holding a cane. They wouldn't let me go traveling alone, although I'm already an adult and I know how to take care of myself. Till now, after I've been to many places (okay actually just 10 cities) by myself, they still think it's a no-no. Now I'm home, I don't know when can I do solo travel again. I'm a typical sagittarius, all I need in my life is freedom. You know how suffer I'm when I live a life without freedom. I'm so jealous of friends and other people who are still doing solo travel. They must have open-minded parents. How I wish my parents could understand me. Know what? They told me that if I saved all the money instead of traveling, now I would have a lot of money. They never understand. I would give up everything I have in exchange for freedom. Since I was little, I told myself that I'm gonna leave home when I turn 18, and it came true. After I graduated from high school, I was offered a scholarship. I went to study in another state which is about 6 hours drive away from my house. After one and a half years studying there, I transferred to a university in the United States. I was almost 20 by that time, and I knew I was totally free.

Oops looks like I talked too much about my childhood. Let's get back to the topic. My first travel in the states wasn't a solo one. I went to visit my friends in Seattle. The next trip was an Europe trip, still, I wasn't alone too. What actually motivated me to achieve my dream was a guy. Perhaps I shouldn't tell too much about this guy, because I'm afraid that he would see this. I started planning this trip a few months before my birthday, and the first city would definitely be New York City. To me, New York City is like a dream place. I love the skyscrapers, and all the glamour, nightlife, shopping (but I didn't do much shopping. I'll talk about this later) and fame! So New York City must be my first destination, and I had to get there on my birthday. I went online to book hostels and megabus tickets, and the itinerary was like this: Columbus --Pittsburgh -- New York City -- Boston -- New Haven -- Philadelphia -- Washington D.C. -- Pittsburgh -- Columbus.
Also, before the trip, I got myself a 55 liter backpack from Amazon.

It was a 2 week trip. Not to mention, it was winter. So I had to bring my winter jacket, boots, gloves, hat etc to keep me warm. Early in the morning, I took megabus for like 3++ hours to Pittsburgh. I had to transfer there, because there was no direct bus from Columbus to New York, unless I took Greyhound. I wouldn't want to critique Greyhound, but Megabus is always a better choice. Megabus is clean. There are power outlets, wifi (SOME Greyhound buses do have), and more space in Megabus. You will also have chance to take double-deck coaches if you go to/ depart from big cities like Chicago and New York. The upper deck is super fun (to me) as there's glass roof and you would be able to see the sky (or stars at night!). Plus, Megabus is so much cheaper than Greyhound (there are always $1 sales!) Megabus coaches are seldom delayed, and they don't stop at too many places. Megabus is a better choice if you wanna get to your destination in a shorter time. I had a really bad experience when I took Greyhound from Orlando, FL to Miami. The bus that we were supposed to take was full, and we had to wait for the next bus. In the end we arrived in Miami 4 or 5 hours later than we were supposed to. And they did not offer a refund. When I took Greyhound from Washington D.C. to Pittsburgh, the bus was so fking full that some people had to stand for a few hours because there were no enough seats. Greyhound should really stop selling tickets if the seats are already full ==' The only good thing about Greyhound is that they go to more places than Megabus do.

I spent half a day in Pittsburgh and there I met my friends who were studying in the University of Pittsburgh. I had actually been to this city twice before this and I was pretty familiar with the downtown area lol. Bus to New York City departed at around 11pm and arrived in NYC at 6:30 in the morning. I brought my fully charged laptop and phone to the bus, and spent the first 6 hours of my birthday watching movies, checking my facebook and replying friends' wishes. I was actually a little worried before the trip, as I always heard from people and saw from internet that NYC isn't a safe place. However, when I got there, I wasn't worried anymore. It was 6:30 in the morning and the sky was still dark. I carried my huge backpack, walked alone towards times square. I looked around when walking, and was extremely careful when there were strangers around. Stopped somewhere and bought my public transportation ticket from a machine, then continued walking towards Times Square. I remember I walked for like 20 minutes, because the bus stop was pretty far from Times Square. It was almost 7 by the time I got there. Went into Starbucks, got myself a java chip frappuccino using the Starbucks birthday reward card, and wished myself Happy Birthday. Walked around Times Square after that (shops open pretty early) and thought I could stay there until 3pm because the hostel I was going to stay only accepts check in after 3, and I wanted to save locker fee :3 (Some hostels do have luggage room where you can keep your luggage if you arrive before check in time, but at some hostels you have to pay for locker) But that backpack was so heavy that I gave up at around 11am and took subway to Hostelling International Hostel. It wasn't the first hostel I ever stayed (stayed in hostels too when I went to Europe) so I was able to compare this hostel to the ones I stayed before. This one was not bad, I would rate 8 out of 10 (HI hostels are usually good, stick with HI hostels if you are worried of choosing the wrong place to stay or sick of reading reviews). I paid for around $40 (or less than that, I don't really remember) per night. Rooms were okay, with lockers.

Staying in hostel is always a better choice for solo traveler. First, you spend less money on accommodation. Second, it's safer than staying alone in a hotel room. Third, you get to meet a lot of people from different countries, who share the same interest with you, and you get helpful advices from them too. You could also invite them to visit the city with you if you want, but I wouldn't do that because I'm a loner yo lol. At this hostel I met a french girl who was about the same age with me, and was traveling alone too. She wasn't good in English (/I couldn't understand what she said). It was so funny when both of us communicated with each other by using google translator. There was also a Chinese American girl whom I met in my hostel in Santa Monica, and I later saw her again in the hostel in San Diego lol.

................................................................................................. to be continued

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Love da Portland

Ciao da Portland, Oregon!

Ora mi siedo alla sala di pranzo dell'ostello dove io soggiorno per questi 3 giorni a Portland, caricando il mio cellulare e computer portatile. Sono stata partita da Columbus alle 10 questa mattina e sono stata arrivata all'aeroporto di Portland alle 17! Ma non ho viaggiato per 7 ore. L'ora a Portland è 3 ore più tardi dell'ora a Columbus, perché Portland è sulla costa occidentale. Adesso sono le 20:30 a Portland ma mi sento già assonato, perché sono già le 23:30 a Columbus. Ho bisogno di un bel sonno dopo io finisco caricare il cellulare e computer portatile.

Dopo sono stata arrivata ed ho fatto check-in all'ostello, ho camminato per il quartiere e fatto una buona cena ad un ristorante mediterraneo. Mi sveglierò presto domani mattina e vorrei visitare una bella chiesa prebysterian, e poi il giardino della rosa, il giardino giapponese, lo zoo, chinatown, il giardino cinese lan su, ed il quartiere della perla. Visiterei più luoghi se il cielo non fosse ancora scuro.

Ok le batterie quasi piene. Ciao!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What happened since my last post

Was viewing photos on my phone and I decided to put some pictures on the blog to tell what had happened since my last post.

I was hit by a car when I was on my bike.... on Valentine's lol. That was the last time I rode my bike, and I'm still having cycling-phobia. I was riding my bike and I wanted to cross the street, while there was a car on my left. The pedestrian light was on and I thought the driver noticed me, so I crossed the street... and the car was moving. Then I got knocked off. I fell off my bike and on the middle of the left lane. Luckily there was no car, or else I wouldn't be able to write this post now. Also, I didn't have my bones broken, just some bruises on my left foot, and I felt pain on my chest. Went to the emergency department, like 1 month after the accident, because my chest was still painful. Doctor ordered an X-ray and found my ribs were fine. So... I guess I'm alright. Chest isn't that painful now, and my foot is perfectly OK, no more bruises on my foot. I can only say that I'm too lucky.

It was finally the New Year Blessing Ceremony, after 1 month ++ of preparation. I took part in 3 of the performances: 2 sign languages and a sketch. This was the costume I wore for 1 of the sign languages that I performed, and I looked like cute female student from the old China.
Leane, a Taiwanese friend was leaving the US. So I decided to buy her some macarons from Pistacia Vera at German Village. After a midterm in the morning I took a bus to this cafe, had some macarons and cake for breakfast. I also got Leane some cute macarons :)

This was the second time I borrowed books from the library since I came to OSU. (It's my last semester!) These freakin books were for my Italian class annotated bibliography assignment. We needed to choose an author and find books about him/her. Then we had to find the keystone texts and non-keystone texts of those books. That was awfully annoying and luckily it was done before the break.

Yay I finally have a Cinnamoroll plush. Got it from Amazon for like 5 bucks, believe it or not?! The price was actually 25, but I used the $20 gift card I got from a diary experiment to buy the plush. So I only paid 5 bucks! It's so cute that everyone kept stealing it from me when I brought it to gathering.

Okay finally a picture of mine :) Took this picture, like last week, before going to shop. 

Ciao time to prepare for my presentation at 8am! (It's already 12:30am now!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Non c'è titolo

It's the second day of CNY.


It's my third Chinese New Year without angpau, good food and new clothes. It's okay I'm going back home in 3+ months :D Next year I will get to wear new clothes, eat nice food and get many angpaus!!

Alright time to look for a job. I have been sending out resume but I still don't hear back from any company. Aiyo should have put more effort in study... GPA is the thing lah.

So how do I celebrate CNY this year?
Went to SG's house on the first day of CNY and SG prepared nice food for us
Singing karaoke in SG's house!! 
Went to friend's house... like randomly, on CNY's eve.
Played games and  losers needed to have their face drawn.
But in the end everyone had fun drawing faces.
I drew big nose drills on my own face HAHAHA
 Dressed up and put on makeup because I was bored...
Face is still a lil puffy...
What I wore for first day of CNY. ONG AH.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So everything's finally over.

Went to see doctor last week and he told me that I can stop taking prednisone in one more month. Also, I was worried that my acute kidney injury turned chronic after I saw the words Chronic Kidney Disease on my previous visit summary. So I asked the doctor last week and he told me that mine wasn't chronic, because my kidneys were functioning well in the past few months.

Was taking 3mg of prednisone per day before having seen the doctor, and now I'm taking 2mg for 2 weeks. After that I will be taking 1mg for 2 weeks, and I will be ALL DONE with the freakin prednisone!!!

It has been almost a year. Last year's February, my eyes turned red, started using prednisolone eyedrops. In March, I was diagnosed with TINU syndrome. Did biopsy in April and started taking prednisone (80mg/day) and other kinds of medicine a few days later. Stopped using the eyedrops in May. Dosage decreased gradually, from 80 to 60, 40, 20, 15, 10, 7.5, 5, 4, 3 and 2 for now.

Lost 10lbs in February due to TINU. Gained 20lbs after I started taking prednisone. Face became so round and puffy (pictures can be found in previous posts). So my face is getting smaller as the dose is decreasing. I also lost around 6lbs.

Took this picture yesterday. Face is smaller than before!!

Holding my Tzu Ching name tag with the photo taken last year's july, when my face was still puffy
Top left: Taken last year's summer, when I just started taking prednisone for a few months. Face was more puffy before this.
Top right: Beginning of September.
Bottom left: Not sure when was this taken. Should be November. Face was a lil smaller.
Bottom right: Just a few days ago!! 
Can't wait to stop taking prednisone. I hope I can slim down for my commencement in May!! (2 more months to go! I need to go to RPAC more often) :D